Parametric Failures in COTS Capacitors

source: ASRC Federal Space and Defense (NASA,USA), EPCI e-Symposium


Insertion of COTS components into hi-rel systems require extensive environmental testing of the parts that often results in parametric failures.  Based on experience with commercial and hi-rel PME and BME ceramic capacitors and polymer and MnO2 cathode tantalum capacitors, this presentation discusses two major reasons for parametric failures.  One is due to the marketing pressure that forces manufacturers to squeeze performance of COTS components thus leaving insufficient margin between the rated and actual characteristics.  Another, and probably a more serious reason is degradation of characteristics caused by physico-chemical processes in materials under environmental stresses.  Reliability assessment requires development of models to predict behavior of the parts during applications based on accelerated testing that might be outside the specified conditions and target applications.  Examples of models developed to simulate and predict wear-out failures are presented.  Risks associated with overstressing during HALT are discussed.

Title: Parametric Failures in COTS Capacitors
Author(s): Alexander Teverovsky
Organisation(s): ASRC Federal Space and Defense (NASA,USA)
Symposium: 1st PCNS Passive Components Networking Days, 12-15th Sep 2017, Brno, Czech Republic
Reference: paper 2.2. Hot Topic Commercial Components in Space Session., PCNS2017 Proceedings Pg.43-45
ISBN: 978-80-905 768-8-9
e-Sessions  Applications: Aerospace
e-Sessions Scope Components: Capacitors
e-Sessions Topics: Quality & Reliability


more 1st PCNS symposium technical papers can be viewed and downloaded in pdf from EPCI Academy e-Proceedings:

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