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Würth Elektronik Webinar Physical Flex PCB Sample WE.flextwo

Würth Elektronik Webinar Physical Flex PCB Sample WE.flextwo

Würth Elektronik RIGID.flex physical PCB sample WE.flextwo shows the many possibilities of this PCB technology with internal flex layers. Slot and key elements enable mechanical constructions with fixing options for the rigid parts to each other. Non-glued lift-off areas and laser cuts offer a wide range of mechatronic options for flex technology. Customized stackups enable Read the original post at Würth Elektronik Webinar Physical Flex PCB Sample WE.flextwo

Wk 41 Electronics Supply Chain Digest

Wk 40 Electronics Supply Chain Digest

Electronics Supply Chain Weekly Digest 10-04-24. DATAPOINT OF THE WEEK: ISM reported US mfg. PMI of 47.2 in Sep, unchanged compared to Aug, and in contraction territory for the 6th consecutive month. Read the...

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Littelfuse Unique Tactile Switches Provide Dual-Circuit Technology with SPDT Functionality and Safety

Littelfuse Unique Tactile Switches Provide Dual-Circuit Technology with SPDT Functionality and Safety

Littelfuse, Inc., an industrial technology manufacturing company empowering a sustainable, connected, and safer world, announces the C&K Switches KSC DCT Series Tactile Switches. The KSC DCT (Dual Circuit Technology) series are sealed IP67-rated, momentary-action tactile switches for surface-mount technology (SMT), designed to give users a positive, adaptable tactile feeling. The KSC DCT is the first Read the original post at Littelfuse Unique Tactile Switches...

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