Variable Capacitors

Variable Capacitors

C5. Variable Capacitors Variable capacitors are used for trimming and tuning purposes. They represent a small but important part of...

Wet Tantalum Capacitors

Wet Tantalum Capacitors

C 3.8  WET TANTALUM ELECTROLYTICS C 3.8.1.                 Introduction Wet tantalum capacitors have several advantages over solid tantalum, aluminum electrolytic,...

Wet Aluminum Electrolytics

Wet Aluminum Electrolytics

C 3.3 WET ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTICS C 3.3.1 Introduction Wet aluminum (Al) electrolytic capacitors continuously generate hydrogen gas under operation, even...

Concepts and Measurements

Concepts and Measurements

C 3.2 CONCEPTS AND MEASUREMENTS C 3.2.1 The CV product The product CR x VR is called the CV product...

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