Tag: passive components

Power Supply Efficiency Improvements at Low Load Conditions; WE Webinar

Power Supply Efficiency Improvements at Low Load Conditions; WE Webinar

Performance of modern power supplies must demonstrate excellent efficiency at all power levels. Lear in this Würth Elektronik and NXP webinar how to improve power supply efficiency at low load conditions. Traditionally, power supply efficiency is important for high power levels to reduce energy consumption of the overall application during ...

Snubber Capacitor Power Supply Selection Guide

Snubber Capacitor Power Supply Selection Guide

Knowles Precision Devices releases white paper How to Size a Snubber Capacitor for Your Power Supply. Given that snubber capacitors address the negative impacts of switching, it’s no surprise that they’re most commonly found in switching power supplies. These systems face major challenges from switching, including:  Switching transients  Parasitic elements  ...

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