Power inductors

Power inductors

2.3 Power Inductors and Calculations Switched-mode power supplies are becoming ever more widespread. The semiconductor manufacturers have made their contribution, offering a wide range these integrated circuits with simplified circuit design. Care must be taken in the selection of the appropriate storage choke to fully utilize the advantages of switching regulators. The selection of cores and windings of storage chokes are optimized for use...

Current compensated chokes

Current compensated chokes

2.2 Current compensated chokes Saturation effects caused by high signal currents, or DC current super imposed on the signal, reduce the effectiveness of the choke. The use of standard inductors in the signal path adversely impairs the useful signal. Current compensation circumvents these disadvantages. In current compensation, the “useful return current” must be passed through the choke. In this way, the useful current does...

Coil with ferrite

Coil with ferrite

2.1 Coil with ferrite inductors SMD-Multilayer Inductor If the wire windings on the outside of a conventional “coil” are mounted inside the coil body, the so-called multilayer SMD inductor (Figure 2.32) is created. Fig. 2.32: SMD-Multilayer inductor; image source: Würth Elektronik WE-MI Fig. 2.33: Structural schematics of multilayer SMD inductors The ferrite body magnetically shields the component, significantly reducing external interference and cross-talk. The...

Design of optimized EMC filters for real operating environments

Design of optimized EMC filters for real operating   environments

Successful design of broadband EMC filters necessitates consideration of the actual (broadband) response of all the components used. The correct method can vary widely for different components. The actual terminations of the filter can, under certain circumstances, nullify its effect and hence must definitely be considered. A very convenient method of describing ferrite components is the use of measured dual-gate S parameters. This approach...

Transformer: Parasitic parameters and equivalent circuit

Transformer: Parasitic parameters and equivalent circuit

Which parasitic parameters are there in the transformer and how can they be measured and subsequently represented in a simulation model? We want to investigate this on the basis of a transformer and investigate using LTspice. “Ideal” transformer models are usually used to make it as easy as possible for the developer and to reduce the computation time in LTspice. Only the inductance values...

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