Conductive Hybrid Threads and Their Applications

Conductive Hybrid Threads and Their Applications

by Tomas Blecha, Radek Soukup, Jan Reboun (1) and Miroslav Tichy (2) 1] Department of Technologies and Measurement, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic 2] VUB, Usti nad Orlici, Czech Republic, presented by T.Blecha at the 2nd PCNS 10-13th September 2019, Bucharest, Romania as paper 4.3. Abstract Wearable electronics and smart textiles are a rapidly developing area currently....

High-Efficient New Hybrid Magnetic EMI Filter Design for Low Voltage DC Distribution

High-Efficient New Hybrid Magnetic EMI Filter Design for Low Voltage DC Distribution

by Wai Keung Mo, Kasper M.Paasch and Thomas Ebel Centre for Industrial Electronics, Mads Clausen Institute, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark presented by W.K.Mo at the 2nd PCNS 10-13th September 2019, Bucharest, Romania as paper 4.2. INTRODUCTION Low Voltage DC Distribution (LVDC) distribution is an innovative method to the public electricity distribution. Because the customers in the LVDC system are supplied with customer-end inverters...

Supercapacitor Degradation and Life-time

Supercapacitor Degradation and Life-time

by Vlasta Sedlakova, Josef Sikula, Jiri Majzner, Petr Sedlak CEITEC, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic presented by V.Sedlakova at the 2nd PCNS 10-13th September 2019, Bucharest, Romania as paper 3.4. Abstract Degradation of supercapacitor (SC) is evaluated during aging tests. Continuous current cycling for 100% energy and 75% energy and discontinuous cycling for 75% energy, respectively, was performed on two different types...

Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors Accelerated Lifetime Modeling

Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors Accelerated Lifetime Modeling

by Luca Primavesi (1) and Saverio Latorrata (2) 1) Itelcond, Settimo Milanese, Italy 2) Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy presented by L.Primavesi at the 2nd PCNS 10-13th September 2019, Bucharest, Romania as paper 3.3. Abstract The aim of this work is to estimate the expected lifetime of a capacitor without basing reliability evaluation just on handbook based predictions. This approach is meant to overtake...

Most Reliable, Most Efficient and Price Effective Solid Tantalum Capacitors

Most Reliable, Most Efficient and Price Effective Solid Tantalum Capacitors

by Y. Freeman, P. Lessner, E. Jones; KEMET Electronics presented by Ed Jones at the 2nd PCNS 10-13th September 2019, Bucharest, Romania as paper 3.2. Commercial space constellations are an example of the increasing share of the space applications looking for more affordable electronics According to selecting traditional space parts under MIL SPEC not only increases cost, but also leads to older technologies and...

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