Integrated and Discrete Capacitors Based on Carbon Nanostructures with Capacitance Densities in Excess of 350 nF/mm2 – OUTSTANDING PAPER AWARD

Integrated and Discrete Capacitors Based on Carbon Nanostructures with Capacitance Densities in Excess of 350 nF/mm2 – OUTSTANDING PAPER AWARD

by: R. Andersson, M. Bylund, S. Krause, A. M. Saleem and V. Desmaris Smoltek AB, Gothenburg, Sweden OUTSTANDING AWARD PAPER BY PCNS ATTENDEES presented by S.Krause at the 2nd PCNS 10-13th September 2019, Bucharest, Romania as paper 1.2. Abstract Complete on-chip fully solid-state 3D integrated capacitors using vertically aligned carbon nanofibers as electrodes to provide a large 3D surface in a MIM configuration have...

A Disruptive DC-Link Capacitor Technology for Use in Electric Drive Inverters

A Disruptive DC-Link Capacitor Technology for Use in Electric Drive Inverters

By A. Yializis Ph.D., PolyCharge America Inc., Tucson, Arizona presented at the 2nd PCNS 10-13th September 2019, Bucharest, Romania as paper 1.1. The paper introduces development of NanoLamTM, solid state, polymer monolithic capacitors, comprising 1000s of nano-thick, cross-linked polymer dielectric layers. The NanoLam amorphous polymer dielectrics have an intrinsic breakdown strength >1000V/mm, can withstand temperatures >200°C and have stable capacitance and dissipation factor with...

2nd PCNS attendees valued its high professional and networking level

2nd PCNS attendees valued its high professional and networking level

2nd PCNS Passive Components Networking Symposium held in Bucharest, Romania on September 10-13th, 2019 was a great opportunity to meet passive components professionals and discuss with them hot topics, technical challenges, market trends, material supplies etc. related to passive components. PCNS symposium was attended by 63 participants from 13 European countries, USA and China and posed an ideal networking possibilities for designers, purchasers, application...

interview with EPCI, Tomas Zednicek on capacitor trends

interview with EPCI, Tomas Zednicek on capacitor trends published an interview with Tomas Zednicek, EPCI president during the 4th Passive Components Users Forum in July 2019. During the 4th Passive Components Users Forum, held in Munich 2-3rd July 2019, Ralf Higgelke, Technical Editor with DESIGN & ELEKTRONIK spoke in short interview with Tomas Zednicek from the EPCI European Passive Components Institute on the trends in capacitors.

Variable Capacitors

Variable Capacitors

C5. Variable Capacitors Variable capacitors are used for trimming and tuning purposes. They represent a small but important part of the capacitor assortment. C 5.1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION By means of an electrode system consisting of one fixed and one movable part – stator and rotor – the capacitance can be varied between a minimum and a maximum value, the so called capacitance swing. The...

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